
OIST Science Trip to Miyako Island

By okeon_admin on Monday,February 25th, 2019 in Ants, Audio, Education, News, Outreach, Soundscape, Workshop, No Comments

On February 15th and 16th, We went to Miyako Island to give science lectures and workshops as part of the OIST Science Trip. The OIST Science Trip is a program in which OIST members visit areas around Okinawa in order to share with the public fascinating science. We went to Miyako-jima, a beautiful island in […]

Soundscape projects was featured in the news of OTV.

By okeon_admin on Friday,February 8th, 2019 in Audio, Biodiversity, News, Research, No Comments

On 7th February, the soundscape study by Nick was reported in the news program of Okinawa Television. The acoustic recorders are deployed at various sites on the Okinawa main island, and are used for monitoring soundscape ecology. Soundscape include not only natural sounds such as bird and insect calls but also artificial sounds such as […]

Listening to ecosystems: New study published using acoustic monitoring to study Okinawa’s “Soundscape”

By okeon_admin on Monday,November 20th, 2017 in Audio, Biodiversity, Research, No Comments

At every OKEON site there is a small green box attached to a tree. These boxes are acoustic monitors, and they are recording natural sounds almost constantly. As part of the OKEON project, we use these natural sound recordings, or “soundscapes”, as a way of monitoring biodiversity. We collect more than 1 terabyte of audio […]

Listening to the sounds of nature: switching on OIST’s acoustic monitoring network

By okeon_admin on Friday,February 17th, 2017 in Audio, Biodiversity, Data, Research, No Comments

February 14th is Valentine’s Day, and for birds living in Okinawa it’s the perfect time to start thinking about building a nest. In warm years like this one, the Tree Sparrow (スズメ) begins its breeding season around this time, followed by the Pacific Swallow (リュウキュウツバメ), the Japanese White-eye (メジロ), and the Japanese Tit (シジュウカラ). If […]


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