
Happy New Year! The First Rooster Call of 2017

By okeon_admin on Friday,January 6th, 2017 in Audio, Biodiversity, Research, No Comments

On a small farm near the botanical garden in Okinawa City, a rooster sang its first song of 2017 – the “year of the rooster”. His was the first song of the dawn chorus, a daily event that arouses every type of bird sound on the island of Okinawa – from the sweet melody of […]

Rare ant found in OKEON sample

By okeon_admin on Monday,October 31st, 2016 in Biodiversity, Collecting, Data, Research, Sorting Insects, No Comments

A rarely-collected ant species, Protanilla lini, has been identified from a SLAM trap sample that was collected from Hentona High School (site04) between September and October last year. Protanilla lini belongs to the subfamily Leptanillinae. All members of the family are small, subterranean and often blind ants that are very rarely collected. We know very […]

Soundscape of Okinawa during Obon

By okeon_admin on Monday,October 24th, 2016 in Audio, Biodiversity, Data, No Comments

On top of SLAM traps that collect arthropod samples and weather stations that record physical parameter data, acoustic traps that gather sound data are also set up at various OKEON field sites. The soundscape of the sites differ based on their habitats and their proximity to urban areas, as illustrated by the sounds collected during […]

Working with World Heritage Sites: A rare opportunity to enter the protected world of Sefa Utaki

By okeon_admin on Wednesday,August 10th, 2016 in Biodiversity, Collaboration, Research, No Comments

For research involving fieldwork, locations are crucial. Each location has to be considered carefully from a scientific perspective in order to collect the appropriate data. However, beyond the science, there are many other considerations. What are the characteristics of the location? Who is in charge of the land? What is it used for? Each location […]


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