
Releasing images of fire ants and related images

By okeon_admin on Wednesday,August 9th, 2017 in Ants, Biodiversity, Data, No Comments

The OKEON Churamori Project introduced the Alien Species Prevention Project in 2016, which is sponsored by the Department of Environment and Community Affairs, Okinawa Prefecture Government (OPG), utilizing the insect survey network set up across mainland Okinawa as a means to monitor alien species. In June, 2017, the Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) Solenopsis invicta […]

Listening to the sounds of nature: switching on OIST’s acoustic monitoring network

By okeon_admin on Friday,February 17th, 2017 in Audio, Biodiversity, Data, Research, No Comments

February 14th is Valentine’s Day, and for birds living in Okinawa it’s the perfect time to start thinking about building a nest. In warm years like this one, the Tree Sparrow (スズメ) begins its breeding season around this time, followed by the Pacific Swallow (リュウキュウツバメ), the Japanese White-eye (メジロ), and the Japanese Tit (シジュウカラ). If […]

Surf and Turf: How Land Use in Okinawa Affects the Ocean

By okeon_admin on Monday,January 30th, 2017 in Data, GIS, No Comments

According to a recent survey from the Japanese environment ministry, over 70% of coral in the Sekisei lagoon – Japan’s largest reef located between the Okinawan islands of Ishigaki and Iriomote – has died from bleaching. While increasing ocean temperatures are the leading cause of coral bleaching, soil and pollutant runoff from the land also […]

Rare ant found in OKEON sample

By okeon_admin on Monday,October 31st, 2016 in Biodiversity, Collecting, Data, Research, Sorting Insects, No Comments

A rarely-collected ant species, Protanilla lini, has been identified from a SLAM trap sample that was collected from Hentona High School (site04) between September and October last year. Protanilla lini belongs to the subfamily Leptanillinae. All members of the family are small, subterranean and often blind ants that are very rarely collected. We know very […]


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