
High school-University collaborative research for the OKEON Churamori Project

By okeon_admin on Wednesday,March 29th, 2017 in Ants, Collaboration, Collecting, Education, No Comments

OKEON Churamori Project continues to collaborate with local high school. We came up with an ant survey kit that teachers can use as part of their classes. We provide this new educational tool to the teachers and help them manage their projects. Once the teachers complete their projects they donate the specimens, which become part […]

Rare ant found in OKEON sample

By okeon_admin on Monday,October 31st, 2016 in Biodiversity, Collecting, Data, Research, Sorting Insects, No Comments

A rarely-collected ant species, Protanilla lini, has been identified from a SLAM trap sample that was collected from Hentona High School (site04) between September and October last year. Protanilla lini belongs to the subfamily Leptanillinae. All members of the family are small, subterranean and often blind ants that are very rarely collected. We know very […]

OKEON featured in Okinawa Times

By okeon_admin on Monday,April 25th, 2016 in Biodiversity, News, OKEON update, No Comments

The OKEON project continues to progress and gain momentum, with the completion of site setup (72 traps on 24 sites) and being featured by various media outlets. On April 11, the Okinawa Times introduced the OKEON project as an environment monitoring network with an emphasis on insect collecting, and quoted Dr.Masashi Yoshimura, the staff scientist […]

Setting up sites across Okinawa

By okeon_admin on Sunday,August 30th, 2015 in Collecting, OKEON update, No Comments

Twenty four sites are being set up across Okinawa, including forest and open sites. Each site will have 3 SLAM traps to collect arthropods, and eventually each will also have a weather station for recording environmental parameters, an acoustic monitoring device to record the soundscape, and a motion-triggered camera trap.


July 2024


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