Insect Sampling with OKEON Churamori Project

Insect Sampling with OKEON Churamori Project

By okeon_admin on Tuesday,August 30th, 2016 in Biodiversity, Education, Outreach, Research, No Comments

Video Producer, Director and Editor: Linda Iha

Script and Starring: Dr. Masashi Yoshimura

Video Production Assistant and Translation: Aina Urano

Video Production Assistant: Masako Ogasawara


(Click here or on the picture to watch the video)

OKEON Chura-mori Project: what is it? Simply put, it is an environmental monitoring project in Okinawa, Japan, funded by OIST, and conducted through the co-operation of Okinawan local society. From researching the biodiversity in Okinawa to developing social networks and improving environmental education, the goals of the project include multiple aspects. This video will introduce the insect monitoring aspect of the field sampling system.

The primary scientific goal of OKEON is to measure and monitor the terrestrial environments of Okinawa and understand how natural and anthropogenic factors affect the environment over time. Environmental research is carried out primarily using samples of small insects, collected from SLAM traps. On each of the 24 sites across Okinawa, there are also instruments which log weather data, camera traps and acoustic recorders.

There are many activities besides this which are fundamental to OKEON. There is collaboration with museums, high schools and universities across Okinawa. For example, students at Hentona High School collect materials from OKEON sites which can be used for their education and for research at OIST. These students are taught to do so by high school teachers who have attended a training programme at OIST related to ant research. Projects like this which create benefit for everyone involved and have a positive impact on society are very important to OKEON.

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